Analysis of Solar Energy System – A Must for Every Installer; WhiteShark

Simulation and analysis of solar energy system is a proven method wherein the infinite calculations are made to obtain the possible outcomes and probabilities for any choice of action. The concept of simulation and analysis can be further comprehended through the following steps:

The first step taken towards simulation and analysis of solar energy system is to model the project. The proposed model shows how the net present value is related to the parameters and the exogenous variables. The parameters are the variables specified by the decision maker and are held constant throughout the simulation, whereas the exogenous variables are randomly determined and are beyond the control of the decision maker.

The next step taken is to specify the values of the parameters and assign probabilities to the random variables that arise from the external factors.

Ensure Proper Simulation and Analysis of Solar Energy System for Winning Installation

Installment of solar photovoltaic power supply to the grid is necessary with a great pace due to scarcity of fossil fuel. The efficiency and cost of the photovoltaic system can be obtained by operating the PV array at the maximum of the PV system. Computer modeling has become important to estimate performance parameters, characteristics and electrical behavior of a complete PV system.

Renewable energy sources are seen by many as the future for energy production on this planet. Efficient use of renewable sources, however, is proving to be one tough task. In renewable power generation, solar photovoltaic as clean and green energy technology plays a vital role to fulfill the power shortage of any country. Thus, modeling, simulation and analysis of solar energy system is a vital phase prior to mount PV system at any location, which helps to understand the behavior and characteristics in real climatic conditions of that location.

Simulation and analysis of solar energy system is carried out for validating the design of the board as to compare the built system with its simulation model. Several readings have been taken and analyzed to validate the load sharing between the different energy sources at constant load. The final system works satisfactorily and tested with power analyzer for determining THD and is found within range 1.25%.

Note: Simulation and analysis of solar energy system is done using software like PVSyst, MATLab, and LTSpice

  • PVSyst
  • MatLab
  • Glare analysis
  • LTSpice simulation