
Solar Home Lighting System – Best Energy Source for Households at WhiteShark

A lot of us rely on inefficient and hazardous fossil fuels to light our homes, which produce harmful indoor air pollutants. The best solar home lighting system harnesses the energy of the sun for lighting up the home and for powering your appliances too.

With the long-standing proven advantages, WhiteShark bring the best-in-class solar home lighting system for you in your budget and that suits your environment. It’s not only an economical solution but also an efficient and reliable option as well to avoid those costly energy bills. Solar home lighting system supply illumination that is powered from the renewable energy of the sun. The solar cells incorporated in the system transforms the sun’s energy to electricity. This electricity is preserved in the battery and is used to light up the space whenever required.

The best solar home lighting system that we have at WhiteShark is quite compact, easily mountable and portable. A perfect solution for domestic applications!


Benefits of Solar Home Lighting System

  • Economical
  • Non-Polluting
  • Systems that work seamlessly and dependably
  • No Maintenance Require

Places Where Solar Home Lighting Systems can be used:

  • Non-electrified rural areas
  • As an emergency lighting system in houses and commercial establishments

Parts and Operation of Solar Home Lighting System

The solar home lighting system is a fixed installation designed for domestic application; comprised of:

  • Solar PV modules
  • Charge controller
  • Battery
  • And, lighting system

The solar module is installed in the open on roof/ground exposed to sunlight and the battery and charge controller are kept inside a protected place in the house. The solar module requires periodic dusting for effective performance. Operation time depends on the capacity of the solar home lighting system. However, most systems are designed to give daily working time of 4-5hours with a fully charged battery.

Solar home lighting systems are very helpful, especially in Odisha where rural area face power cuts very often. So to overcome this issue and to make Odisha a better place, we at WhiteShark, help you harness the solar energy absolutely free. After all, sun is for everyone! Call us for a completely error-free installation – WhiteShark!

  • Components
  • Solar PV Module
  • Solar Charge Controller
  • Battery
  • DC Appliances (Fan, Lights, Mobile Charger, etc.)
  • Specifications
  • Capacity : 20W to 500W
  • O&M
  • 2 years workmanship Guarantee
solar street light odisha, solar lighting system odisha